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How does it work?

The guarantee of origin is a certificate to identify the source of consumed energy. It specifies the type and location of the production facility as well as the quantity produced. What are guarantees of origin ?

BUYECO is a platform that allows renewable energy producers to sell their guarantees of origin to buyers, thereby facilitating transactions in the renewable energy market. BUYECO caters to all players in the renewable energy market, both in Switzerland and internationally.

For Buyers

Buying via Listings

  1. Create and validate your account
  2. Browse listings: Once logged in, browse available listings. Published listings indicate the quantity of guarantees of origin available for purchase.
  3. Contact the seller: If you're interested in a listing, place an order through the platform. BUYECO then facilitates communication between buyers and sellers.

Buying via Tenders

  1. Create and validate your account
  2. Create a tender: Fill out all required fields, including the quantity of guarantees of origin you wish to purchase and the maximum price you propose.
  3. Once bids are submitted, wait for the tender to end for the lowest bids to be selected.
  4. Finalize the transaction: BUYECO will connect you with sellers to finalize the transaction according to the specified tender conditions.

For Sellers

New: you can entrust the management to BUYECO. Learn more.

Posting a Listing

  1. Create and validate your account
  2. Create a listing: Once your account is validated, create a production facility and publish a listing.
  3. Once your listing is live, buyers can order desired quantities of guarantees of origin. You must confirm each purchase within 24 hours.
  4. Finalize the sale: BUYECO will connect the parties to finalize the sale. If the transaction involves a forward quantity, signing a sales contract is required.

You can create multiple installations and publish multiple listings on BUYECO. For batches of guarantees of origin encompassing multiple installations, contact us for assistance.

Responding to Tenders

  1. Create and validate your account
  2. Select the tender: Browse available tenders and choose one that matches your production. Ensure your facility meets the criteria specified in the tender, particularly in terms of electricity type, origin, and quality label.
  3. Once the tender period ends, the process of selecting the lowest bids automatically begins. If your bid is selected, BUYECO will connect you with the buyer to finalize the transaction. If the transaction involves a forward quantity, signing a sales contract is necessary.

Frequently asked questions

  1. What is a Guarantee of Origin?
  2. What is BUYECO?
  3. Who is BUYECO for?
  4. What are the conditions to sell and buy on the platform?
  5. Why do I need to register to publish an offer?
  6. How do I publish a listing?
  7. What is a call for tenders?
  8. How can I participate in calls for tenders?
  9. From what installation capacity can I participate in calls for tenders?
  10. Am I subject to VAT as a GO seller?
  11. For forward sales, how do I calculate the quantity of GOs I will produce?
  12. What happens if I cannot deliver my GOs?
  13. What is a standing order with Pronovo?
  14. Why obtain a Naturemade certification?
  15. How does BUYECO earn revenue?
  16. Are there fees for producers?
  17. Why trust BUYECO?
  18. Are my data confidential?
  19. Can I know the identity of the seller/buyer on the platform?
  20. If a buyer desires Naturemade, can I sell them a regular GO?

What is a Guarantee of Origin?

Due to the technical impossibility of tracing electric current, the electricity market is dual. To ensure the provenance of their electricity, consumers can obtain Guarantees of Origin, certificates that identify the origin of the consumed energy.

What is BUYECO?

BUYECO is a platform that connects renewable energy producers with buyers, allowing them to offer and purchase Guarantees of Origin (GO) to enhance the ecological aspect of their production.

Who is BUYECO for?

BUYECO is intended for all actors in the renewable energy market, wishing to buy or sell Swiss and international Guarantees of Origin for renewable energy.

What are the conditions to sell and buy on the platform?

  1. Accept the terms of use and sale.
  2. Validate the account by the BUYECO team.
  3. Provide contact details to validate the account.
  4. Provide a brief description of the installation (for sellers) or needs (for buyers) and experience with GO trading.

Why do I need to register to publish an offer?

Registration is necessary to guarantee the authenticity of offers to buyers, ensuring the actual production of renewable energy Guarantees of Origin.

How do I publish a listing?

  1. Sign up and validate your account.
  2. Create a production installation and fill in all necessary fields.
  3. Buyers can order desired quantities.
  4. BUYECO connects both parties to finalize the sale.

What is a call for tenders?

A call for tenders is a procedure allowing buyers to solicit offers for Guarantees of Origin according to their quantity needs, electricity type, and other specific criteria.

How can I participate in calls for tenders?

  1. Sign up and validate your account.
  2. Select a call for tenders corresponding to your production.
  3. Create an offer (quantity and price) meeting the tender's criteria.
  4. BUYECO connects the parties to conclude the sale.

From what installation capacity can I participate in calls for tenders?

Any registered installation can potentially participate in calls for tenders, but some buyers may require a minimum capacity to participate.

Am I subject to VAT as a GO seller?

If you are a VAT-registered business, your VAT rate applies. Individuals are generally not subject to VAT.

For forward sales, how do I calculate the quantity of Guarantees of Origin I will produce?

The quantity of GOs produced is the theoretical amount over the contractual period, adjusted for self-consumption and potential storage.

What happens if I cannot deliver my GOs?

In case of inability to deliver the sold quantity, inform the buyer and BUYECO immediately. Arrangements can be made to supply the missing quantity.

What is a standing order with Pronovo?

A standing order is established between the buyer and seller to automatically transfer Guarantees of Origin according to agreed terms.

Why obtain a Naturemade certification?

The Naturemade certification guarantees optimal quality of renewable electricity production, supporting investments in renewable energies and enhancing the ecological profile of the company.

How does BUYECO earn revenue?

BUYECO takes a 10% margin from buyers and charges optional paid services to ensure its operation.

Are there fees for producers?

No, BUYECO allows producers to register and sell for free.

Why trust BUYECO?

BUYECO is an independent company with solid expertise in renewable energies, ensuring quality services.

Are my data confidential?

BUYECO is committed to protecting your data and only disclosing it when a transaction is concluded.

Can I know the identity of the seller/buyer on the platform?

Yes, after the validation of a purchase, BUYECO provides necessary data to establish the contractual relationship.

If a buyer desires Naturemade, can I sell them a regular GO?

No, a Naturemade-certified installation is required to sell Guarantees of Origin with this label. Contact the VUE for certification.

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Your market portal

Buy guarantees of origin to support renewable energies or sell yours to generate additional income. Our platform allows you to actively participate in the guarantees of origin market with transparency and efficiency!