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Is my electricity supplier green and local?

Monday July 1st, 2024
Swiss local production

What's an electricty "mix"?

A mix refers to the distribution of production sources by an electricity supplier. This is facilitated by a precise accounting system called guarantees of origin, electronic certificates issued for each kWh produced in Switzerland and Europe. Each electricity supplier must disclose its mix.

Guarantees of origin provide detailed information about what and where energy has been produced within a regional electricity network. They ensure efficient traceability. However, it's not possible to track the exact physical energy flow to its final destination (like a river flowing through a lake). Therefore, the mix reported by electricity suppliers is an estimate and may not match the actual physical energy consumed.

A benefit of this system is that it allows end consummers to support local renewable energy producers. Guarantees of origin can be traded on the free market. Platforms like BUYECO enable direct connections between end consumers and producers.

How to use this tool?

Below is the mix reported by each supplier in Switzerland (source), where we have split the view by type of renewable energy, emphasizing the part coming from Switzerland.

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